Sneaky Dragon Episode 690

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Sneaky Dragon – the internet’s wild drug-fueled party for tea totallers!

This week: theatre of the absorb; smokers stink; desert fare; forty-day challenge; in the swim; old pool; down for the counsel; a deep belonging; go fly a kite; a toque of class; Lorne survivor; high times; blame game; the substance; no pain, cocaine; embrace the fear; objectively wrong; dragged down by the past; might as well dump; Jane-ists; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; rescue spider; put a name to your felines; playing possums; vision nary; abandoned babies; our apologies; and, finally, please say hello to…

Thanks for listening.

3 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 690”

  1. The biggest move I ever made was relocating from my family’s rundown old home to our new home just one mile away. When we sold the house, we made a deal to rent it back from the buyer for two months while we looked for a new house. We may not have moved far away in distance, but it still entailed a daunting amount of sorting, packing, selling, donating, and multiple trips to the recycling depot and transfer station. Not only did we have four decades worth of worldly goods in the house, we also had a garage that was packed to the rafters. It was the most stressful time of my life. So now I try to keep my possessions to a minimum. When I bring something new into the house, I try to get rid of something old.

    One of my best finds at a second-hand store was an old black fur coat. I got a job as an extra and it was going to be an outdoor night shoot. We had to supply our own wardrobe and I didn’t have anything suitable. I found this real, not faux, fur coat at a thrift shop. It had a big tear in the back but I patched it together with some black cloth and I was camera ready! I may just have been an out-of-focus patch of black over the shoulder of a TV star, but at least I was a warm one.

  2. Edward Draganski

    Greetings Sneakers of the North and all the Sneaks at sea!

    Moving out of my house during my divorce was the worst and most complicated move ever. I only took my own things, no furniture or large items, I left all those with my ex-wife and kids. I moved in with my parents and made room in their garage, attic and house for my stuff I took from the divorce, filing cabinets full of comics, art supplies and my collections. I’m really good at making space for stuff, it’s like my super power, so at least I was good at it. After the divorce when I started dating Susan, I moved most everything over to her house about 45 minutes away. Then I married Susan and we moved all our things to a new house 15 minutes from her older rent house. It seemed like I was always moving something over the span of about two and a half years. It’s all kind of a blur now but I do remember being in constant motion until I settled everything into mine and Susan’s house.

  3. The post above is me falling asleep at my computer last night. Now for the second question.

    When I was probably 12 or 13, our church had a second-hand weekend sale at a local veteran’s hall, so it was like going to a Goodwill store or something where hundreds of used goods were for sale. I think it was maybe $5.00 at the most, but I found a reel to reel tape recorder that still worked and even had the plug-in microphone with it! There was only one reel of tape which was inside, so before recording anything my best friend and I listened to the tape. It was some weird guy talking about politics and Henry Kissinger which dated it by about 10 years. Once his speech was over, did the Mission Impossible thing where he said the recorder would self destruct in ten seconds. He had nothing to count down the time, so he just hummed each second with a really bad impression of an explosion. We really didn’t want to record over this dude’s fun soliloquy, but eventually we had to.

    Ian, congrats on Murph!! I saw a photo online and she’s beautiful, give her a kiss on the head for me…she’s an angel.

    Everyone have a groovy safe and sneaky weekend!!

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