Sneaky Dragon Episode 668

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that has their best interests at heart.

This week: noise annoys; the doors of perception; ministry of fear; masters of realty; four of a kind; KISS and make up; ghosts for laughs; Hollywood nord; la belle et la bête province; fancy dress party; prince charmless; gazing on the glass; dwarftron; share heart attacks; sisters; let the right bruin in; one angry dwarf; just curses; twisted sister; organ grinder; red bean bag; Dutch treat; venereal world; Dunstan checks out; too much luck; horse tales; donkey rides; mine camp; stamp for approval; colonic boom; working for peanuts; meat theory; Roman holiday; the Gaul; lost in translation; cover versions; Sherman’s march; cartoon kids; with great goofiness comes great responsibility; Rubble trouble; Scooby gang; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; pretty flamingo; horsin’ around; Hardy boy; devilled hams; cross grades; fake accounts; school daze; third act shenanigans; Recife reunite; and, finally, time to Zoom.

Thanks for listening.

3 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 668”

  1. Ian’s idea of the seven dwarves in Snow White being different aspects of one cursed prince reminds me of a fairy tale I read in “The Green Fairy Book.” That’s a collection of fairy tales I chose as a prize for an elementary school reading contest. I read and reread that book so much the cover fell off and I had to make a new one for it. In the story of “Rosanella,” two fairies have a contest. One says she’ll raise a princess that no one can resist falling in love with. The other says she’ll raise a prince so fickle, no one can make him constant. A baby princess is stolen from her cradle and in her place, her mother is given charge of twelve other baby girls who grow up to become known by their dispositions: Sweet, Joy, Grave, Loving and so on. When the fickle prince meets them, he can’t make up his mind which he likes the most. Then giant bees carry the maidens off and the original princess is returned having all twelve qualities. The prince falls in love with her and is cured of his inconstancy.

    But my favourite uncommon fairy tale from that collection is the “The Many-Furred Creature.” It’s similar to the French fairy tale “Peau d’Ane” (Donkeyskin). A princess runs away from a forced marriage and goes to work as a kitchen maid for a king. She wears a disguise of fur robes but sneaks away three times to dance with the king in dresses “as golden as the sun, as silver as the moon and as shining as the stars.” The king identifies her by slipping a golden ring on her finger while they’re dancing. “The Green Fairy Book” and all the others colours in the fairy book series can be read for free on Project Gutenberg.

    My go-to fridge snack is a slice of cheese on a toasted English muffin.

  2. And thanks to Laurel for the invitation to check out “Away Boys We Roll.” I do enjoy a good sea shanty! In Canada, I think it’s mandatory to have at least one in your community choir’s repertoire, especially if you hail from Newfoundland or Nova Scotia. That’s where I learned why one should “stick him in a scupper with a hose-pipe on him.”

  3. Welcome into my kitchen gentlemen! Where we specialize in down & dirty meals around the clock.
    Ever since my kids were little, I can whip up a scrambled egg “pattie” with cheese served on a toasted bagel, sometimes with bacon. We’ve always called it an “Eggie Sandwich” and I can make it in no-time, everyone loves it. We just go through a lot of eggs.

    I’ll make a sandwich, usually turkey on whole wheat bread with Swiss, so that’s also quick and rather boring.

    Sometimes it’s just some tuna mixed with mayo and a little relish eaten on crackers with some cheddar and a hard boiled egg. Hey! that’s what I had tonight, I lived through the Sneaky Dragon answer for this week.

    I had those 33 1/3 Disney albums too Dave! I listened to them continuously, they brought me great joy. I also had a slip case of four Disney books that were different stories, each book contained a different story genre. I used to try and read the book while listening to the albums to see if they could go together.

    You’d think that one of my grandparents being descendants of Italy or Germany would have passed on some sort of local fairy tale handed down over the generations but I guess I was only raised on the classics everyone knew about. I was really a Disney kid who was most familiar with Walt’s take on these stories and I loved them all dearly, I didn’t even have a favorite…I loved them all. I do remember reading some of the non-Disney-fied stories and had them in my mind as I rewatched the Disney versions, I vividly remember some of those differences. Things like Peter Pan wanting his shadow sewed onto him and Cinderella’s step sisters cutting off their toes so their foot would fit into the glass slipper. I think the strange nature of these story elements have stayed with me because of how fantastical and quasi-horrifying they were. Things like that were so vivid in my mind and served as a great precursor to what came next, the L. Frank Baum OZ stories, which were equally as fantastical in my mind thinking back. It’s fun to think back how much those stories have been cemented into my mind so long ago.

    I received my sticker in the mail! Thank you for adding to my Sneaky Dragon collection. Something about David’s handwritten printed style in marker on the note gives me comfort since I’ve printed instead of writing in cursive since high school, I love seeing that for some odd reason. But that’s awesome and thanks again for the prize.

    Happy Fall to all! Hope this give everyone a reason to enjoy the great outdoors. We’re finally cooling off down here, so I know I’ll be outside while I’m listening to the new episode!

    Best to all as I Sneak into the Fall!

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