Sneaky Dragon Episode 651

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the internet’s favourite cause célèbre!

This week: joinery; bass notes; dirty clowns; vampire landlords; rental mouse; plane awful; authoritarian intent; Columbore; identical robots; Mexican kitsch; dead wives club; heard it on the Ted Levine; dog daze; keep it juicy; bastardized; eat the documentary; box of delights; a time to scold; titanic; Concrete claims; crossed streams; free the music; prose and yawns; a bit of Crumb; Harvey; where have all the weirdos gone; late nightlife; Northern lights; coke addled; furniture shock; prescriptions drag; boring stories; heartstopper; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; Ram jam; bananarama; love language; heart Felt; no hose; free draw; rabbiting on; odd celebration; PAM-boozled; to the Max; and, finally, down with the down.

Question of the Week: What would you call al child that is the result of a disinterested union of two persons?
Sub-question of the Week: What is your favourite casual exercise?

Thanks for listening.

3 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 651”

  1. Edward Draganski

    On the fast-track to episode 700 now! The “700 Club”, do you guys remember that program? Did they have it up there? It was an all-day talk show on the religious broadcast channel hosted by Pat Robertson, remember him? My next door neighbors were always watching it when I was at their house as a kid and they liked discussing the end of the world and revelations. I have no idea what kind of club it was or why it was limited to 700…

    If a child without a father is a bastard, then isn’t a child without either parent an orphan? Or is that only in the result of their deaths? I’m really not sure but there’s a bunch of knuckleheads fighting about it on Reddit. They fight about everything on Reddit.

    They could fight over cheese on Reddit. For days.
    Are Slurpees delicious? The answer is YES but someone on Reddit would disagree just to be noticed.

    I can’t think of anything more casual as walking every day for exercise. I’m about to go walk right now but I had to write first, it’s my Wednesday night ritual. Sneaky Dragon….then walk. Our pool is now open after our Memorial Day last Monday and the temperatures have been in the 90’s, 35 celsius for you guys, so that’s a casual option for exercise too. It’s not heated and it’s an outdoor pool only about two minutes away. The street in front of my house is one-way with a huge greenbelt park across the street, the pool is at the far end of the greenbelt and only open to the local homeowners. There’s a covered area with a kitchen area and barbecue grill for picnics and outdoor gatherings. It’s all great down there until someone’s baby without a swim diaper poops in the pool and then they have close and clean the entire thing for two days, right outta Caddyshack.

    Time to go walk, doctor’s orders you know.
    Sneakers Worldwide! Go out and enjoy the spring! Get outside and play!
    Until next time…

  2. Hey gents,

    Chiming in to echo Chris Roberts’ enthusiasm for early solo McCartney albums. No question that – as Dave rightly stated all those years ago in the final Compleatly Beatles episode – the respective solo careers of Paul, John, George and Ringo could never replicate the magic alchemy of the four of them together in all the unique circumstances that resulted in the Beatles. Nevertheless there is so much joy and sheer musical playfulness in 1970s McCartney (and Wings) albums that is just a delight. Some of it is also unbelievably cringe-worthy, but I unashamedly love it all – even into some of his 80s albums.

    I highly recommend a re-listen to Venus and Mars, Wings at the speed of sound, Ram and Band on the Run. All wonderful albums with some absolute ear worms and the odd McCartney clanger along the way.

    I suspect that ‘Magneto and Titanium Man’ from Venus and Mars may be the perfect alternative Sneaky Dragon theme song; a Venn diagram of Beatles nostalgia and (Marvel) comic book inspiration. The song’s goofy feel-good melody and absurd lyrics always pick me up no matter how I am feeling.

    As far as light casual exercise, I start every morning with a 30 minute dog walk which sometimes includes some light jogging – when my dog isn’t stopping to obsessively sniff and pee on every tree – plus a ten minute stop in the park for some quick sprints, stretches and pushups. I probably look ridiculous, but who cares? I reward myself with a takeaway coffee to drink on the steep walk up the hill to my home. It is a great way to kick off a new day, especially when I’m listening to a new Sneaky Dragon episode along the way.

    1. Whenever I hear ‘Magneto and Titanium Man’ I have to ask, “Is this the songwriting result of getting really high and reading some Marvel Comics that were lying around the studio?” He mentions the Crimson Dynamo too, an adversary alongside Titanium Man who both fought Iron Man, but where does Magneto fit in? I have so many questions…

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