Sneaky Dragon Episode 610

Hola, Sneakers! It’s Episode 610 of the podcast that forgot what it was saying!

This week: podcast in a bottle; island girl; refreshing start; newsreeling in the years; who’s the boss; holed up hero; it’s the real thing; the nasty party; the subtle propaganda of Casablanca; unopinionated; Imelda discos; halcyon daze; overloaded questions; joke-worthy; drag king; Madea fortune; who’s that girl; Dave and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day; senior service; life of brain; choc therapy; right to juice; piggyback talk; to E.R. is human; the Roseanne problem; you don’t say; Dave finally sees After Hours; why don’t we do it on the road; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; Ian under pressure; plan of the apes; short people; and, finally, the right question.

Thanks for listening!

Question of the Week: What’s your favourite comedy album ?
Sub-question of the Week: How do you pass the time on a long drive?

Thanks for listening.

5 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 610”

  1. You can transform an Arnold Palmer into a Dave Dedrick by adding a dollop of Miracle Whip.
    I listened to George Carlin’s Indecent Exposure A LOT when I was a kid, but that’s a compilation album, so I don’t think it should count. I’m going say my favorite is Steve Martin’s Comedy is Not Pretty. I can still recite bits off that album like “Cruel Shoes” and “You Can Be a Millionaire.”
    Sadly, I pass the time on a long drive by driving. I’ll often have audiobooks or podcasts at the ready, but then I’ll only feel like listening to music. I’ll also daydream, which seems like a bad thing to do while driving, but I haven’t injured anyone yet. I have missed my turn an awful lot, though.

  2. Wait a minute, let me sitdown and take a breath….

    You’re so fast, zero to sixty in… ok, not quite sixty in… i don’t kow, no time ? Err wait that’s… 6 HUN-DRED ! (and some change) Wooooosh, that’s at least the speed of light… or rather sound.

    My favorite comedy album? You really, really want to know? You’re sure ?

    It goes back to a time that people under sixt… never mind.

    So, when I was in my prime, that’s around 40 B.A (before Amazon), I was quite digging Les frêres Enemis, see I told you, they had an act a lot like manzai (You know, the Two Beats… Beat Takeshi!) where they had a very quick back and forth type of conversation with a lot of incomprehension between each other due to the use of a lot of calembour (that’s the scientific name for word play).

    Oh, and one of them is very well known for his disappearence, for real, we still don’t know where is at.

    And for long drive, France Culture or podcasts, there’s one about… a weird dinausor? Maybe, it’s in Canadian, so I may have overlooked some subtilities. Oh no, that’s the one I listen when driving tractors, which is some sort of long drive too, you might say.

    And staaayyy…. errrr… dinosaury….dragony?

    PS: Sorry I must correct myself. I couldn’t be in my prime(R)(TM), that was not invented yet. Prime BEFORE Amazon… sheeesssh, who I was kidding ?!??!!??

  3. Edward Draganski

    Wait, I have to follow Regis? How in the hell do I compete with that? Okay, here goes…

    I had many of the albums mentioned already, Steve Martin, Gallagher, Eddie Murphy and dad had the George Carlin ones which I was forbidden to listen to until I was 18 or so. Dad also had some Pat Cooper, Bill Cosby and Alan Sherman albums, my Uncle had The Firesign Theater, P.D.Q. Bach and Nick Danger stuff but there were two albums I absolutely loved and had to own, The Best of Hudson and Landry volumes 1 and 2. I used to listen to an hour long comedy show on the radio every evening while I was drawing or doing my homework, it was called “Jim Lowe and the Library of Laughs” from the Dallas FM 101 classical station, WRR. Jim Lowe played Hudson and Landry all the time so I sought out those albums I thought they were so funny. Do you remember them? Everything was either an interview or a phone call, like Bob Newhart did, just not one-sided. Most of the comedy sketch titles revolved around “Ajax ______”, it could be Ajax Airlines, Ajax Liquor Store or Ajax Mortuary. I can still almost go through the entire routines in my head too, I listened to them so much.

    Audio books on a long drive take me too far away from the task at hand and I’m worried about losing attention to the road. Podcasts, however, are GREAT to listen to on a long drive and I may even listen to a couple of fabulous gentlemen named Ian and David to pass the time. I guess the podcast model doesn’t distract me like an audio book does and probably stimulates a different part of my brain, so I load up on podcasts when making a long haul. I’ve thought of investing in a C.B. Radio and giving that a go…do you think anyone is still out there yacking at one another on those things? That’s a big 10-4 Regis! Watch out for those Smokies! Jesus, that would be a riot…me on a C.B. Radio and I would need a handle!

    That’s a big 10-7, signing off from the Big D Emerald City to all my good buddies! Time to put the hammer down until next time!

  4. Edward Draganski

    100% with you on “Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning” Dave, damn that was good, Tommy sure knows how to make some great movies. I know you’re partial to Rebecca Ferguson, (Watching her in the Apple+ series Silo right now) but how sexy is Hayley Atwell? I thoroughly enjoyed Part 1 and I’m looking forward to Part 2 with hopes the strike doesn’t interfere too much.

  5. I like listening to talk radio when I’m on road trips to get a sense of local culture. 15 years ago, while driving in Florida, I randomly tuned into a program where the guest was explaining their city had entered a “Beautiful Town” contest and the organizing committee wanted to put up the town’s one African-American family a hotel while the judges were visiting. I eventually realized it was a “Modest Proposal” type fake scenario, but some of the callers did not and took it seriously. So it was interesting to hear what level of outrage (or not) the callers expressed over the idea.

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