Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that will never change.
This week: plastic time; formally demented; looney tunes; novelty acts; Lehrer cake; like a virgin; time bits; the nurd is the word; not flix; Cross purposes; ordinary Guy; film strolls; Dave undergoes Terrifier; extra-pedestrian; Art attack; out of a limb; inevitable death by clown; mean girls; shitty behaviour; labour of love; sleep fright; cut scenes; talkin’ shit; supernatural born killers; Naztis; armed mice; dung-le fever; guilty pleasures; different Hughs; the lovely boneheads; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; dear Johns; the great Dane; cop stop; ch-ch-ch-ch-changes; my brother, my brother, my brother and me; gore values; false endings; you’ll never get to Heaven; end of the feline; shall I compare thee to another stray; and, finally, song cat-alogue.
Question of the Week: Is there anything that takes you out of a horror movie?
Sub-question of the Week: What is the best bread?
Thanks for listening.
Please enjoy some Art the Clown mayhem from Terrifier 2:
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Hello, Gents,
I just drove to the bank for my job and what comes up on my playlist but “Tequila?” As soon as the first few guitar strums came through the car’s speakers, I shouted out, “Kick in the groin!” which I know is not the exact phrase, but it had the spirit of it in there.
My favourite bread is Finnish pulla, a sweet cardamom-flavoured braided loaf. It looks similar to a Jewish challah which I also enjoy. Both are great as French toast, as is panettone, a fruity
Italian bread that we have during the Christmas season.
I don’t think I like that Terrifier stuff all that much, are those YouTube videos up there for real? Are they from the actual film? Not my cup of tea at all. I think back to the classic horror film by John Carpenter, “The Thing”. I was able to watch about 99% of that film with it’s practical effects and over the top Rob Bottin gore but the second they show a needle going into someone I throw up my hands and block my eyes. Same thing with a film like “300”, I can watch all that blood from the sword fighting because I know it’s not real but the moment something realistic presents itself like someone getting stitches or surgery, I’m out. Remember when they were digging the maggots out of Russell Crowe’s wound in “Gladiator”? Holy shit…fuck a lot of that.
Don’t let the name fool you, I’m over half Italian we love our bread! A good loaf of Italian bread, straight out of the oven with a crispy outer crust and a fluffy inside is the best bread especially with an Italian meal. Susan makes what we call Italian butter for the bread. The Italian “butter” is olive oil with a little basil, kosher salt, garlic and sometimes balsamic vinegar in a little bowl. That’s what we dip the Italian bread in while we eat or beforehand with a salad. If Susan is making homemade bread, there’s an Amish Friendship Bread she’s made before that’s really good. It’s like a thick loaf of sweet white bread that’s almost like a desert or just a snack on its own. And then lastly there was a seafood restaurant in Dallas that had these beer batter biscuits that they would serve before a meal. We’d bring an empty ziplock bag along and fill it with these biscuits, hide it in my wife’s purse and take them home for later. The place is gone now but I’d love it if I could find those biscuits again.
I think that’s enough of some Sneaky Dragon on-branding for now.
For Dave: The pharmacy I go to has a woman that works there and I have to laugh whenever I see her…not to make fun of her but because she looks like she walked right out of a 1980’s John Byrne comic. She has a short cropped shag hair style, a willowy physique and wears these huge round glasses, perfectly round like Byrne used to draw. To pass the time at Lone Star Comics my buddy Sean and I would try to pair up our customers with which comic artist drew them, had this woman walked in back then she would have been a perfect John Byrne match.
Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving, so I’m getting this off before we start our big celebration feast tomorrow!
I’ll be sure and give thanks for both Ian, David and all the Sneakers worldwide!!
I also wanted to offer my sincere condolences upon hearing about Risa. We’re all such pet loving Sneakers here and there’s never anything easy about letting go of a beloved family member. I still miss my cats and we haven’t replaced any of them yet, they’re kind of a hard act to follow. May your heart be eased by the years of unconditional love Risa gave your family, that’s the miracle cats are made of.
Hey Ian and Dave!
A couple of weeks ago Ian wondered aloud whether there was a name for ‘fiction becoming reality’. I’m here to donate the word ‘Hyperstition’ to your vocabulary! We used this phrase in teaching architecture students, and it’s one of those things that once you tune into it, you start seeing everywhere. London is littered with examples such as 221b Baker Street, which didn’t exist in Conan Doyle’s time, but has since winked into existence in the form of a museum recreating Sherlock’s home.
Thank you Dave for sitting through Terrifier so we don’t have to. I must confess to a morbid curiosity when it comes to ‘extreme’ horror such as this – perhaps there’s something in us that makes us want to see if we can endure it, perhaps just from a wish to push through taboos. Terrifier, by contrast, sounds like an irritating combination of poor characterisation, tedious runtime, nonsensical plotting, and gleeful sadism. As a palette cleanser, and to complement Ed’s mention of The Thing, I’d like to nominate the Kurt Russell western ‘Bone Tomahawk’. It’s a tough one to get through, but for all the right reasons: It takes its time setting the scene, establishing that these are characters you care about, living in a tangibly real environment. You feel for their minor discomforts, so that as things ramp up they hit all the harder. I suppose there’s something similar in comedy: the more real you can make the situations and characters, the more satisfying the laughs.
Best bread remains the five minute baguette on Youtube – by far the best effort-to-satisfaction value recipe out there. I must also tip my hat to a pumpernickel bread, especially with smoked salmon, lemon, curd cheese, capers, dill… deeeeelicious.
Remember: the people you share bread with are your ‘com-pan-ions’.
Thanks for the companionship,