Sneaky Dragon Episode 563

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome back to Sneaky Dragon, the podcast that makes the internet s-i-i-i-i-ing!

This week: a matter of taste; bye lingual; pills, thrills, and bellyachin’; nose flume; medical burial; dipsomaniacs; Peg Leg Pete-o-philes; a blot on Disney history; creative voids; a marvelous success; past competence; three is the magic number; sitting pretty; Dave searches Quentin Tarantino’s Video Archives podcast; emotional payoffs; spectacular 3-D; familiarity breeds content; plush hour; general seating; deep dives; experts rate; highlights only; Dave looks at Jennifer’s Body; aging in the right direction; modelling agents; The Ring dials it in; local destruction; Final Destination metaphysics; dream bear; Dave eyes Eyes of Fire; best movie role; ringing the changes; are you being servered; broom pushing; finding connections; grow a pair; mad decisions; the price is right; metaversed; a tribute to Ian; Ian mentions The F Word; Top 5 Songs – Future Passed; goofy great question; bone breaker; bring on the dancing horses; stair thee well; free falling; Pogo-A-Go-Go; elongation secrets; say yes to excess; and, finally, dragon tales.

Top 5 Songs – Future Passed

  1. David Bowie – “1984” – Diamond Dogs, 1974 – 2:23:06
  2. Sons of Champlin – “1982-A” – Loosen Up Naturally, 1969 – 2:29:57
  3. Spirit – “1984” – Twelve Dreams of Doctor Sardonicus, 1970 – 2:36:51
  4. The Rezillos – “2000 A.D.” – Can’t Stand the Rezillos, 1978 – 2:41:28
  5. Paul McCartney and Wings – “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five” – Band on the Run, 1973 – 2:49:40

Bonus song:

  • The 1910 Fruitgum Co. – “The Year 2001” – Simon Says, 1968 – 3:00:38

Question of the Week: Do you have a favourite joke you like to tell?
Sub-question of the Week: Name a band you’d like to hear David’s opinion on.

Thanks for listening.

Department of Corections

The name of the director of Eyes of Fire who slipped David ‘s mind was Avery Crounse. David also messed up the name of one of the producers of Jennifer’s Body – yes, it was a Reitman, but Jason, not Ivan. Finally, the artist who began working for Playboy as a cartoonist was Doug Sneyd – Canadians of all stripes are proud to call Doug their own – the filthmonger.

9 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 563”

  1. My go-to joke is a one-liner I inherited from my father:
    A giraffe walks into a bar and says, “The high balls are on me!”

    Dave, what’s your opinion on the Lawrence Welk Orchestra? Do you like them or fuckin’ love them?!?

  2. “In The Year 2525” was a big dystopian hit for Zager & Evans when I was young. Sadly, all the years mentioned in the lyrics are still pending, so it did not qualify for Dave’s Future Past song list. But the writers had the foresight to make sure the lyrics wouldn’t get stale-dated in their lifetime. And some of their pessimistic predictions have already come to pass: brain-controlling pills, machines the make humans obsolete, and babies conceived in glass tubes. But did they predict they’d be a one-hit wonder, I wonder?

  3. Dear Mr. Dedrick & Mr. Boothby (sounds like a fancy law firm)

    Two episodes ago you were discussing how The Beatles had an impact on other pop music, etc. Do you remember when The Fab Four’s influence made it into Marvel Comics? Strange Tales #165 in 1965 was one of those split Marvel Comics, in this case was half Dr. Strange and half Human Torch & Thing. This particular issue has Torch & Thing wearing Beatles wigs on the cover with the title, “Meet…The Beatles!”, do you remember that one? I’m still wondering how Johnny talked Reed into making the wig out of unstable molecules so he could flame on while wearing it….

    Ian, I too take medication that causes dizziness and conflicts with grapefruit juice, mine is called Nifedipine. Currently I take three medications for my heart. I have an aortic “tear” in one of my valves that’s a defect. A normal opening looks like a plus sign that opens in four triangular quarters but mine is kind of like a football shaped flap. Doctors mistook it for a heart murmur for years but after a CT scan and an echocardiogram from my cardiologist, he put me on the medications with constant checkups. One med increases the blood flow, not pressure, to push the blood through the aortic opening, the second med regulates my overall blood pressure and the third keeps calcium deposits from accumulating on the opening. So far so good after about 25 years with the same cardiologist, but the heart is a tricky thing, be sure and have it checked regularly and thoroughly.

    I quote Frank Morgan as the Wizard as he said to the Tin Woodman, “A heart is not judged by how much you love but by how much you are loved by others.” And we need you Ian, stay in good health for us, we love you.

    Let’s see, Wolverine giving advice on how to go limp when falling? Easy for him to say, he heals quickly and has adamantium bones!

    I also loved the Iron Man trilogy very much and Sam Rockwell was like icing on a cake, I hope he shows up again. If you missed it, go back and watch the 2014 “Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King” found on the Thor: The Dark World Blu-ray and you’ll see the last appearance of Rockwell. I think it’s on Disney+ as well. I remember Siskel & Ebert discussing “Superman II” and how important it was to make Clark Kent just as interesting as Superman was. This was how I felt about the Tony Stark character. In the third film, he was stripped of his armor and had to go back to what he could do without it, I really liked the inventiveness of Stark in those scenes and it had such a goddamned great soundtrack, like an 80’s action show. Out with AC-DC, in with Brian Tyler!

    Sorry to say, I have no jokes that come to mind. I usually just repeat something funny I recently heard on television or online. It then it falls into that gaping black hole somewhere at the back of my mind to make room for more stuff I guess. I do have my favorite stories I like to tell, funny ones I never forget, they’re a little more personal than jokes and so funny that I’m asked to re-tell them from time to time. I’d tell one here but it’s lengthy to write and they’re best told in person.

    Dave, I remember asking you about so many different bands/music while you and Mary were doing Listening Party. ELO, Toytown Psych, The Bonzo Dog (Doo-dah) Band and Neil Innes…
    Awhile back, I also discovered two other bands I never mentioned to you and to this day have never took to looking them up, so I’ll ask you about them: The Cyrkle and Small Faces.
    I heard them both one weekend on a show played on Sirius XM Radio in the car, so I looked up their songs, “Turn of the Century” and “Itchykoo Park” and others.

    Lastly, I had “Goofy Greats” as well and I remember the single album USA version as you listed them. It was great to hear “The Year 2001” by The 1910 Fruitgum Co., loved that so much…I’m glad you tacked it on at the end because Wings gives me a rash.

    Speaking of Wings, I’d better spread mine now and make room for someone else to fucking write. Sorry, not sorry….

    Love to all!

  4. Greetings from Prague!

    The ancient Greek & Roman orators developed many mnemonic techniques to help them speak at length without reference to notes. One such technique is to combine items in a list in shocking and obscene ways – something about the graphic nature makes them stick in the memory. So when someone asks me for a joke, my subconscious reaches for the least socially acceptable, and therefore most memorable example possible – which is what it did when you asked your question. To paraphrase: A fox is walking into the woods with a duck. “I’m scared” says the duck. “How do you think I feel?” says the fox “I’ve got to find my way out of here alone!”. My usual go-to joke is a visual one which culminates in a policeman asking what a signing monkey was doing in a car crash. But as I say, it’s a visual joke so you fill in the blanks. Perhaps I enjoy the physical performance in this instance – or maybe it spreads across a wider brain space.

    Dave – I’d like to hear your thoughts on Ween, The Shaggs, and the genre of Calypso.

    To connect last week’s introductory chat about ‘Goût’ meaning ‘tasty’ in French but having icky connotations in English to the evergreen SneakyD topic of ‘Chocostalgia’:
    Cadbury UK ran a series of animated Creme Egg commercials back in the mid 2000’s with the copy “Here today, goo tomorrow”. The series featured the ovoid confectionery joyously ending their lives in a variety of creative ways, and (much like creme eggs) are both delightful and sickly.


  5. Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ !

    All hail the new prize winner(d)s!

    My favourite go-to joke is as related below. I’m sure it’s a street joke that has existed for years and years in different forms, but I’m not ready to google its origins lest its magic hold over me dissolves. May I suggest Ian as “producer” and Dave as “insider”?

    PRODUCER: Oh yeah, been super busy lately.
    INSIDER: That so?
    PRODUCER: Yeah, three massive projects on the go.
    INSIDER: Glad to hear that. Anything you can tell us about?
    PRODUCER. Well, doing this one thing with Spielbe…
    INSIDER: (interrupting): STEVEN Spielberg???
    PRODUCER: Well, no, it’s his younger cousin, directed a few eps of PARKS & REC, but it’ll be great, this kid’s got a strong visual flair. He’s definately going places.
    INSIDER: OK, not bad. And the second project?
    PRODUCER: just doing post-production on a sci-fi Netflix series with Brad..
    INSIDER (interrupts gleefully) PITT?
    PRODUCER: (chuckles) Not quite. His surname is Gripp though, and he does look a lot like him. We’re banking on that. This IP is going to be huuuuge.
    INSIDER: Right….and the other thing?
    PRODUCER: And we’ve also got this really, really interesting piece starring Guttenberg.
    INSIDER: Steve Guttenberg?
    PRODUCER (very abruptly): Yeah.

    I’m a resolute fan of The Gute having seen every movie he appears in before P.S. YOUR CAT IS DEAD! …. and many thereafter. And yet…I adore love the above joke.


    1. What joke/segueway/callback/aside have you had in your stand up for the longest period of time? Not suggesting you use it often, but is there anything evergreen in the tank that you can always rely on – what’s the oldest?

    2. Is there any joke you have, that you have wrestled over with yourself on its appropriateness, and ultimately decided it is justifiable? Or, is that very dilemma usually enough to nix it?

    Dave, I’d love to hear your opinion on The Band.

    never again winner etc.

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