Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Episode 499 of the podcast that really just end now.
This week: Pavlovian responses; phone anxiety; accelerated deadlines; good planning; Canadiana; let’s unpack Alpha Flight; we’re happy with Loki; unathletic actors; blindspot for Blindspot; high-concept Lincoln; descriptive names trouble; ball shaming; exclusive joke; anatojis; Welsh idiots; faux grape juice; Newfoundland flavours; it only diminishes; a dollop of Trollope; obtuse; over it; the slippery slope; free labour; Lord Buckley trivia; we’ve never heard of The American Bystander; the oceans; drowning; survival mode; tomato household; Spanish tomato bravas hot dogs; Revlon prince; pandemic reset; childhood trauma recycling; impostor syndrome; faking it; typical men; real podcasters; indeterminate job; deflective charm; Dork Shadows – Go to Hell; we recommend The Taking of Deborah Logan; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; barter system; computer generated credits; movies with the title at the end; borrowed bits; convenient marshmallow device; health concerns; grumpy swimmer; no Dogecoin; muppet succession; and, finally, the worth way to go.
Question of the week: Is there an old segment or things we used to talk about that you’d like us to revive for the 500th episode?
Project of the week: As we have hinted for the last while, the next episode will be our 500th and we’d like you to help us celebrate by simply writing some thoughts on Sneaky Dragon: favourite things, funny moments, how its impacted your life (or not), etc. It would be nice to have some kind words to read during the show.
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I’m hoping to find time later this week to write a proper comment, but I just wanted to drop in now while I’m listening to 499 in case I get too busy or forgetful later (7 gigs this month [all outdoors], and the rest of the summer is already just as booked! Holy feast or famine, Batman! California is open for live music business!).
Happy 500! That is an inconceivably huge number, a fantastic accomplishment, and I am grateful to have been along for most of the ride. You guys are the best imposters ever! Seriously, though, I think part of what makes Sneaky Dragon so good is that you aren’t slick professionals. You’re not annoyingly perfect, but you make a great podcast, you’re genuinely good and funny and honest, and that’s better than perfect any day.
Okay, I have to get back to work now, but I will do my best to answer some questions in a day or two. If I don’t manage it, just know I’m still listening every week, cursing myself for forgetting to comment, and hoping there will be an episode 1,000!
As luck would have it, I stumbled onto the Eggs Dedrick video again on YouTube a few days ago. I would love to see more videos! I vaguely recall you saying there might be some sort of video project in the works at some point before 2020 shat all over everything, or maybe I’m imagining that… or maybe it was referring to a video we already got… but whatever the case may be, the occasional video episode (#400 was a wonderful treat, seeing all the guests!), or more recipes (and sticking of knives into toasters – I know, I know, it was unplugged!), or interviews, or tutorials on how to sneak, or whatever, would be fun! Maybe for Episode 550, so we can see these infamous “prize pants” you allegedly draw the winning names from, and so we can be assured there’s no funny business or suspicious three-peats… ????
As someone else mentioned, Fansplainers was also fun. I understand Covid threw a wrench in that one, too, so maybe as things are opening back up it will make its natural return.
And now for “What Sneaky Dragon Means To Me”: Of course there’s just the stereotypical podcast fan response of “it’s like hanging out with friends”, which is true, even if it sounds like a cliché. You really open yourselves up, and I think I know more about both of you than some of my IRL friends. I appreciate that you’re willing to be human and imperfect, because it reminds me that no matter how together someone might look, we’re all just doing our best to make it through each day, and nobody really has it all figured out. Also, as a weekly podcast without seasons or vacations, it’s something regular and reliable, and just that in itself can make life a little easier. Over the last year, especially, when all my regular social events (mostly gigs, etc., and my weekly open mic, which dragged my introverted butt out of the house and forced me to make friends and have fun in spite of myself) were canceled indefinitely, it meant a lot to have something to look forward to every week. Even better that it was Saturday nights, because Saturday nights are the worst at work, and without any gigs to get time off for, I was working a lot more of them. We have to put up the new ad tags in the entire store, thousands and thousands of stupid stickers that have to be placed quickly and correctly, and it requires a lot of physical wear and tear, leaning in, straining to see item numbers and repeatedly getting down on the floor to get the lower shelves. Okay, it ain’t digging in the mines, but I always say Saturday nights at [REDACTED CORPORATE PHARMACY AND RETAIL GIANT] wreck my neck, jack my back, and displease my knees. But at least having a new episode of Sneaky Dragon to listen to makes the first half of the night a lot more bearable. (Y’know, if you could make the episodes about 3 hours longer, that should get me through the whole night, once interruptions are calculated in.)
Well, I think that’s enough from me for now. I’ll save all my missed answers to previous weeks’ questions for a less epic episode.
One more time: happy 500th!
Happy 500th David and Ian! Quite an achievement, especially considering the state of the world in the last 18 months. You guys have really made lockdown and the whole Covid shitshow more tolerable. Knowing there’s a couple of hours on Sunday where I could just escape into your world…. it’s been great. As a middle aged Scotsman living in London who has never visited Canada, it really does feel like a different world sometimes. I mean, different types of mac & cheese? That blows my mind.
I hope you both realise just what a service you provide. It feels like getting one of those letters you get at Christmas, telling you about the family’s year, but actually interesting! My fellow sneakers also contribute to the family feeling. It’s like being part of an exclusive wee community, all gathering around and listening to the elders.
I wasn’t in at the start of the 500 unfortunately, but I plan on being right along with you for the next 500!
Stay safe, and stay sneaky everybody.
The nicest random podcast I know.
And it’s just amazing, like a-maze-ing, you enter one day and never get out. Sneaky !
Why? Because one day you put one ear on some full, complete or total podcast on subjects of the highest importance like The Marx Brothers “A fight against capitalism”, Tintin “How to do music with metal” and Beatles “Welcome into the amazing world of insects”.
Intrigued by such highly cultural subjects you wonder what it has to do with dragons. And then you put your other ear on the main podcast and can’t get it back. Really sneaky !!
And now this sort of anthology is included into the main show. For the same price you’ve now got the Exhaustive Dark ShadooOOoooOOws “Photons: waves or particles” with commentary bonus included. Clever !!!
So happy 500 !
Fun fact: Did you now that it was the number of fortune in the American numerology ?
Stay sneaky and drag on !
Hello dear David and dear Ian!
Of course I will write to say some nice things for you to read on this
You two are precious people and I am always thankful to have found Sneaky Dragon some years back through that popular Compleat Beatles podcast portal!
I tried to figure how many years ago I started listening, The best I can do is know that I was the winner on the 250th question episode. (That was the ONLY time I won so we know that wasn’t fixed like Jonathan B’s TWO-TIME wins!)
I had probably been listening a year or more then…
All I know is that I liked you both right away, and enjoy the show so much. I do not miss an episode and in my head I’m talking back, answering questions, nodding or shaking my head, LOLing, smiling and/or wiping tears.
Three years ago my husband and I went on a 2-week road trip out west. The phone I had at the time had a miserably small amount of storage. I got worried as the trip progressed, and I was taking a lot of pictures, that I might not have space enough to download the two Sneaky Dragon episodes as they were posted during those two weeks. I ended up deleting any other podcasts I was subscribed to, one at a time, until i was sure along the way I could get my Sneaky Dragon fix! Made the whole vacation more comfortable…
Thank you , Ian and David for doing the show even when one of YOU are going through a hard time or a busy time, dealing with life. Thank you for being so faithful, for not giving up, and for not going on and on about how to get more listeners. We are here! We are here! And there will be more! Thank you for counting us listeners and fans and friends as important. Because YOU are very important to me, to us!
Truly, I could go on and on…
Just, thanks so much, dear Ian and dear David!
Here’s to the next 500!!!
Love to you both and to the other Sneaky fans!
PS I enjoy all the tangents, and maybe there is not much to tell anymore… but I’ve missed the old segment “Deck Talk”! Give us a little recap, would you please David! And Ian didn’t you do a bit of an opening lead in??? Or maybe that was for “Chick Talk”…:-) which is a good one, too!
My only regret is that I can’t wish you both a “Happy 500th Show” in person but I understand you guys have stolen our Texas Summer, so go ahead and keep it and I’ll wish you the best from afar. Just remember to stay cool, don’t overdo it and hydrate please.
To think this all started with me searching for “Marx Brothers Podcast”, which led me to your two delightful voices and “Full Marx”. For the first week or two I had no idea who’s voice went with which face, this was only based on an image of you both with no description of who was who. It wasn’t long before I figured that out and became a regular listener.
I wasn’t a regular podcast lister and I’m still not, there are a few exceptions but they’re short lived shows and temporary. I’m a loyal card-carrying member of the Sneaky Dragon audience and even though I haven’t been listening since day one, I’ll be listening for 500 more and the next 500.
If you want to know what I like hearing you discuss, that would be “Fansplainers”, I really enjoy listening to you both discuss films. I also hope David continues any discussions about music on Sneaky Dragon after Listening Party is wrapped up, I enjoy David’s music insights just as much as the film commentary. I like the discussions on Marvel, both the comics as well as the MCU and any of the conversations about retro TV and culture. We’re all the same age so all of that resonates with me.
You guys really do make our week with your show, and I’m happy you’ll both be in the same room once again. What a great occasion to mark that reunion in person!
Now please go check your email, I sent you both something.
Happy 500th to the podcast of all podcasts!!
Also: Glad to hear you have a healthy regimen in place Ian. Please, please, please take care of your heart! Swimming is terrific cardio for you, keep that up and avoid all the rubber balls. We all love you and want you to be happy and healthy as possible.
Congratulations on reaching the 500th episode of Sneaky Dragon! Rah-rah-rah-rah-sis-boom-bah, three cheers, and a hearty huzzah!
I am grateful that I stumbled on to your podcast. It brings me joy and amusement each week to listen in and hear your thoughts and humor, and it helps to pass the time while commuting. You have become one of my top sources to hear about upcoming movies, television programs, and pop culture news (did NOT know there was a new Indiana Jones movie coming out & Mitchell VS the Machines was a fantastic recommendation– thanks guys!). I enjoy the DORK SHADOWS segment… and, yes, I’m still trying to play viewer catch up (finally reached the point where Adam is fixing to be brought to life).
Tuning in each week is like a welcomed visit from two, much cooler, big brothers. Congrats again on the 500th episode and are we going to start planning and counting down to the 1000th? Have a lovely week everyone!
Project of the week: As we have hinted for the last while, the next episode will be our 500th and we’d like you to help us celebrate by simply writing some thoughts on Sneaky Dragon: favourite things, funny moments, how its impacted your life (or not), etc. It would be nice to have some kind words to read during the show.
Hi guys, hi sneakers!
500 episodes – bloody hell! This would be the perfect moment for a clever, witty, well crafted comment, but I can’t break the habits of a lifetime, so I’ll keep this simple.
Congratulations on reaching this terrific milestone! To be going this long and still be as fresh as ever is a wonderful achievement that must have been unimaginable when you started out. I’m so happy it looks like you’ll be able to enjoy the moment in one another’s company again. I expect it’ll feel like old times, only without the sirens and about five times hotter.
Also, THANK YOU!!! 🙂
Thank you for all the hours I’ve enjoyed in your excellent company. The show is always a joy, whether you’re being hilarious, serious, moving, thought provoking, or – as you both often are – inspiring.
Lastly, I was thinking about something Ian said in episode 499 about feeling he isn’t really a podcaster. Well, untrue as that is, I don’t think of you guys as podcasters either. You feel more like friends. And, as other comments on this page show, that’s true of many, many of us out here in the wider, international sneaker community – a community you brought into being when you first hit the record switch all these many episodes ago.
So please keep on sneakin’ – for as long as you want to. I love what you’ve done, I love what you’re doing and I love you. (And, trust me, it’s every bit as hard for a Scot to type that sentence as it is for a Canadian to have to read it.)