Sneaky Dragon Episode 38

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Hi everybody! Welcome back to another episode of Sneaky Dragon! This week Ian decides to start the countdown; Dave is unimpressed by the rooftops of London;Ian accuses singer Bobby Womack of baldness; Dave proves he isn’t a welcher; Ian gets really mad at the CBC; Dave fulminates against slow drivers; and they spend some time talking about Ian’s list of his Top Ten favourite films and discuss a listener’s Top Ten favourite comedies.

Next week, Dave’s Top Ten list of films! If you’d like your list to be featured on a future Sneaky Dragon. Leave a list of your favourite films in the Comments section below and Dave and Ian will talk about it on the podcast.

2 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 38”

  1. Good lord, I’m behind on these. Regarding Strange Brew, that WAS Mel Blanc doing the voice of the boys’ father, which was admittedly jarring, and with Dave & Rick playing their parents in the awkward bedroom scene, Dave could have voiced it as well. I put the movie in my top ten, and I always loved the combination of Hamlet with the goofball Brothers McKenzie misadventures. I agree it’s flawed, but only because it fails to meet its own ambitions in the third act wrap-up. It’s also charmingly self-aware at times, but without breaking the fourth wall (e.g., Doug’s line, “Tunnel to the brewery–take off, how convenient!”), an admirable choice.

    Here are some others:
    The Iron Giant (any Brad Bird film, really)
    Real Genius
    This Is Spinal Tap
    Wonder Boys
    Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
    Stand By Me
    The Matrix
    The Empire Strikes Back (but this one is tricky, in that it works better in context of its trilogy, and not so much standing alone)

    And many on your respective lists, particularly Holy Grail and the nigh-perfect Raiders. Does that put me over ten? Oh hell.

    1. Marcus,

      Interesting list. I also love The Iron Giant, but The Incredibles would be the one bubbling just under the Top Ten on my list. It’s the best superhero film out there. Nice to finally see a film from before the Seventies on someone else’s list. Although Casablanca isn’t a film I think I like, I always end up watching it to the end when I catch it on TV. The Wonder Boys is an interesting, quirky choice. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Real Genius though. I’ll have to add it to my “To See” list.

      I’m sure we’ll be discussing your list on a later show. The lists are always a fun jumping off point.

      Thanks for listening!

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