Sneaky Dragon Episode 322

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Sneaky Dragon! I hope you’re excited to hear the contest draw and find out who won the Personal Podcast Contest! Until then, we have the strange: Ian posits a fictional character to be an actual historical personage; the odd: some alternate podcast commercials; and the usual: free advertising for non-paying companies. (As someone once said, we’re terrible at promotion.)

We also have: hairiness; horrifying Lou Grant epiphanies; Dave’s guide to shaving; our Netflix recommendations: glowing: Dark, effusive: Black Lightning, mildly enthusiastic: Dirk Gently; Dave has trouble with jokey-joke books, and Ian has trouble with jokey-joke TV shows; there are problems with The X-Files; there are problems with Kong: Skull Island; Vancouver is crazy actor hot spot; Dave gets show-mnesia; Ian has more things to say about cereal mascots; he explains his Bam-Bam theory; Dave reads a heavy, but heartening Tweet thread; you should read to your kids; you should talk to your kids; your kids are smarter than you think; questions about the dwarf fatality index; the Personal Podcast contest goes badly; a long segment we’ve titled: “It’s a small world, but minds are even smaller”; and, finally, Dave says he’s wrong.

Thanks for listening.

And thanks to all our great listeners for taking part in our Personal Podcast contest. Sorry if you didn’t win, but we appreciate all the great questions and topic ideas!

Some trailers for shows we like:

9 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 322”

  1. See, this is why I love this podcast. There’s something wonderful about how the two of you move from hilarity one moment to heartbreak, compassion and empathy the next… and then back to the general goofiness again. Ultimately, I feel the core of Sneaky Dragon is that you and your guests celebrate and demonstrate the true meaning of friendship. This week’s episode was a classic example. Well done, Ian, for sharing that childhood story. You own it now, and I’ll bet nobody can hurt you with it again.

    1. Laurel Robertson

      I agree with you, Chris. This episode was an amazing combination of emotions… I was laughing and, then, tearing up. You touch our hearts guys, as well as tickle our “funny bones”. Thank you for sharing your story, Ian, and thank you, David, for listening.

      When my son was in 9th grade we moved him and his younger sister from the lower FL Keys to North Carolina with only 3 weeks left in the school year. Seemed like bad timing, but had to happen then because of the home sales and purchase. Much later, as a college student, our son revealed to us it was the best thing that could have happened, that he was so relieved to be leaving Key West High because that school year he was being bullied terribly. He gave us no clue at the time and persevered stoically till we moved. It grieves me to think we didn’t catch on, but so thankful he was freed from that situation and went on to have a great high school experience after that.

      Your story reminded me of this, Ian. My son and I have agreed that having lived through that helped make him the kind-hearted and compassionate man he is. It did the same for you, I think.

  2. Those school scars go deep. I was glad when I heard that a guy who used to harass me died young. Looking back, I can theorize what motivated some students to hassle me, but that doesn’t excuse them doing it.

    For the record, Honeycomb from Post is the best family vacation cereal. We always got to have it when we went camping. I liked their use of the country song of the same name as a commercial jingle. Watch the ad and see if you think the Honeycomb Kid could take Tony the Tiger!

  3. Thank you guys for another great episode.
    I couldn’t be more delighted to have won the big podcast contest. For the record, I did just think you were going to talk about the drinks. Your idea is much, much better! Please bill me for the booze, though. (Unless you absolutley love the Kentucky Colonel.). I can’t wait to hear it. You are both officially Gentlemen of Elegant Leisure.

  4. Hey guys, I enjoyed the show. I just wanted to chime in on the shaving discussion. I gave up on the disposable cartridges a few years ago and switched to a safety razor with double sided razor blades. My experience has been that I get a better shave with no skin irritation. Those multi blade cartridges would quickly get clogged up with hair and didn’t do as good of a job for me. They’re also very expensive.
    Safety razor blades are much cheaper. Most brands online will run around 18 to 25 cents per blade. I can usually get two weeks out of a blade. A pack of 100 blades will last me almost four years. And yes, the razor is a bit pricey compared to one of the cartridge variety, but the safety razors are made of stainless steel and will last a lifetime. I paid $28 for my razor, but there are safety razors that sell for as little as $14.
    The other nice thing about safety razor blades is that they are 100% recyclable. The vast majority of cartridge blades are not. The U.S. EPA estimates that 2 billion disposable cartridges go into landfills every year.
    And by the way, I don’t use shaving cream when I shave – I use Dove soap. And I don’t use a shaving brush. I’ve tried one of those, but it’s not for me.
    Anyway, that’s my two cents worth on the shaving topic. Enjoy your Harry razors.

  5. Hi guys. I got a bit behind, and have listened to 323, 322 and 321 in the last 24 hours. In that order too, so I got the whole ‘Jason wins the competition’ bit in reverse order. That was an interesting trip.

    Ian… like many people I was bullied at school, and while I had it tough sometimes, I never had it as bad as you describe, and I’ve certainly never been brought as low as you were that day. My heart breaks for teen-Ian and I hope that telling this story might mean that those memories now evoke thoughts of the outpouring of love and support from so many Sneakers to temper some of the pain and despair you felt at the time.
    You have so much heart (both of you do) and I’m sure experiences like this have helped make you the empathetic person you are now. You’ve often commented how great a dad Dave is (and it sounds like he is), but I have often felt that you would make a great dad – your nephew(s? and nieces? can’t remember if you’ve mentioned having more than one nephew) are very lucky to have such a great person and role-model in their lives.

    … now i have something in my eye…

    I use a razor with disposable 3-bladed cartridges, and find that by giving the blades a good hot blast with the hair-dryer after each use I can comfortably make each one last a month. Uncomfortably, 2 months. I might have to investigate a safety razor – I never really thought about the environmental issue on those. Any brand recommendations?

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