Sneaky Dragon Episode 201


Hello, Sneakers! It’s the first show of a new century! This week Ian and Dave celebrate by pretty much doing exactly what they’ve already done two hundred times – get off to a rough start; be impressed by iPhones; have trouble with voice activation; hear about Hinterland Who’s Who; spoil Portal; hate Mondays and Doug; have some fun at the video store; feel bitter about old video game consoles; get phone scammed; ride the Wild Mouse; talk abandoned amusement parks and empty malls; choose Wes Craven’s best film; recycle a classic story; hear about sub-standard comic book heroes; and, finally, discuss Frank Miller and the Manga problem.

Thanks for listening.

Department of Corections:

Douglas Rain, the voice of HAL 9000 in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey was a Canadian actor, but did not voice the Hinterland Who’s Who film shorts – they were actually voiced by a gentleman named John Livingstone, originally the executive director of the Canadian Audubon Society.

5 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 201”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Sneaky Dragon! I’m thankful for your podcast.

    Except for today because thanks to you, now I’ve got the Hinterland Who’s Who theme music stuck in my head. “Doooo doo-doo-doo-doooo…”

    Re: Circles of hell. Do you think the Steve you meet there is the same one from “Adam and Steve” of whom the fundamentalist religion folks say “It’s not…”?

  2. All Star Batman and Robin is easily one of the most depressing comics I’ve ever read.

    It is also one of the most entertaining comics I’ve ever read.

    Batman is iconic enough to endure the occasional venture into bad taste and audacity for the sake of entertainment, but Frank Miller’s consistent bleakness is uncomfortable and contagious.

    All Star Batman is definitely a powerful book that has sparked a lot of emotion in a lot of people.

  3. It’s Always Time for Pedantry!
    There are nine circles in Hell (per Dante):
    1. Limbo
    2. Lust
    3. Gluttony
    4. Greed
    5. Anger
    6. Heresy
    7. Violence
    8. Fraud
    9. Treachery

    One of my great teenage discoveries was SCTV on Friday (Saturday?) nights, during the 90-minute compilation period. The joy of that was tempered a bit when no one at school understood or cared about what I considered really smart writing and Canadian humor & inside jokes no one gave a crap about. Until the Bob & Doug craze started. To be fair, it was Arizona. Only my brother shared the hilarity of Rockin’ Mel Slirrup’s repetitive crouch dance.

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