Sneaky Dragon Episode 178


Bonjour, mes petits Sneakères! Welcome to another episode of Le Dragon Sneaky! This week: our newest continuing segment: Plumbing the Depths! AKA How is Ian’s bathroom doing? We hope this will be a suitable replacement for Deck Talk. After that, things take a turn towards the Caustic Soda. Brrrr! Colonic lavages, a hole in the gut and feces in the nose all get a look in. What we’re saying is: we’re sorry. But did you see their Kickstarter campaign? We can’t compete with that! Also, Dave doesn’t want animals to be animals; Ian is very tired; Dave makes Twitter mad, then confused and then creeped out; are you ready for puns; Ian and Dave make their annual pilgrimage to a Marvel movie; they are still complaining about doing two podcasts; Dave still hasn’t finished watching Daredevil – “I mean, there’s Grimm to watch!” – Dave – and has bad things to say about its cinematography; Drag Me to Hell dragged Ian to hell; Dave can’t let it go; Adam Ant and the Indians; Adam Sandler and the Indians; and, finally, time to go see a movie!

Ian and Dave will be at VanCAF at the end of May so come on down and say hi to them. Former guest of the show and fabulous artist (and Ian’s wife) Pia Guerra will be there too. It’s on the May 23-24 weekend from 10am to 6pm on Saturday and from 11am to 5pm on Sunday. We hope to see you there!

Thanks for listening.

8 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 178”

  1. Shout out for my Ian who heard this podcast in its glorious entirety…
    PS Dave’s right who wants to make conversation with some naked old dude when you’re having your ‘me’ time???
    PSS now I have to watch Popeye as I’ve never seen it

      1. I’m confused…LOL!
        Oh wait! I’m not now…DOH!
        Okay imaweirdo –
        I’ve never seen Popeye with Robin Williams with or without old naked dudes…LOL!
        But I have seen old naked dudes..without Popeye…hahaha
        Does Ian count as an old naked dude?

  2. I guess it’s a guilty pleasure, but my sister and I are regular viewers of Two Broke Girls. Yeah, there’s a lot of insult humour and bawdy jokes. But underneath it all we find there is enough bashing of cultural trends, social mores and economic divisions to keep us entertained. Together with New Girl and The Mindy Project, it completes our female-lead sitcom-viewing trinity.

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