Guten tag, Schneakers! This week Ian and Dave were so excited to do the show that they started the show before the show started! To talk about pop. The drink, not the music. Well, it can’t all be magical.
Also discussed this week: Ian answers the question: What is Sneaky Dragon? Ian and Dave go over the show notes for Ian’s James Bond Live!; it rains a lot here; Dave gets some bad news; Ian doesn’t think much of Dave’s job and lets him know it; let’s celebrate Friday the 13th; Ian gets a sad Valentine; the Superman radio show is 75; Ian wants to give 50 Shades of Grey a spanking; and, finally, Dave just wants you to know that he enjoyed Paddington…and also marmalade.
Thanks for listening.
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Ohhh how I miss Koala Springs
Forgot to ask, did they play Lady Marmalade over the end credits of Paddington? If not then opportunity missed!
Okay…a bit miffed…no, actually…ALOT MIFFED!
Right, first…Ian is snoring, he’s never smoked…I don’t whisper, I put a head set on him that repeats…’You are perfect’ ( puke right? But he is..)
Okay Dave….maybe you don’t mind taking it up the (_*_) at work…but you should.
One you need to send me your cv…I’ll sort it.
Two work experience matters more to employers than your certifications FFS!
How do I know this?
I used to manage a Global Team of developers, integrators and system admins…142 of them
85% of them had hands on experience, NO DEGREE…
I onboarded them because of their actual skill sets…
Employing a college educated fool only ever ends ugly for both parties..
So, listening to you speak I heard you discuss with Ian exactly 8 employment possibilities.
But…and I’m being cruel to be kind here, you’ll keep being shat on professionally if you continue to accept being taken advantage of…
I work in a male oriented sector, and yep…I’ve had to tell people to go pound salt in their (_*_) including the CIO…you don’t need to say ‘I want a raise or I’ll leave….’ but you have to recognise your own value within the company and keep this in their face…make sure if it’s at all possible when you sign on with this new co. that you negotiate a raise for your 90, 180 and 365 day anniversaries.
2% should cover it….
Anyway, I know you realise this but Ian’s a good friend to you, I could hear the frustration in his voice for you…and given what you said about Lisa…she’s lovely too…
Lecture over…
Now Ian..his there any you tube video of your Bond show? If so please share…
And by the way an itchy palm is indicative of the itchee having an STD LOL!
A cricket in the house is just annoying (like the locomotive snoring coming out of Ian at the moment…going to plug his nose in a tic…grrrrrrr!!)
Fun fact the worlds largest indoor cricket pitch is located in New York State
Not fun fact England had their butts handed to them by the Aussies in the Cricket World Cup today….effin Clarke…
Okay going to finish listening then off to sleep for me
Have a good week
Real witches don’t curse any negativity you create is delivered back to you ten fold…
Go here..
I should have kicked off my first message with…’I’m sorry about your redundancy’
So I apologise for being so…
Anyway have a look at the above…
Think you may enjoy it…dish isn’t bad either…
Thanks, Jenn. I appreciated your advice and thanks for the heads up on the job posting!
Good advice Jenn, I knew listeners would be hearing David talk about his skills and work experience with their jaws open. David, follow Jenn’s advice! There’s nothing to lose! Sorry, no Bond up yet, were still planning a few more shows and want to keep the jokes to ourselves until those are done.
In the meantime here’s a Bond sketch I wrote for The Irrelevant Show. It’s the first sketch in the show. I also wrote “Silence You Fool” the game show.
Hey Ian
I wish we could fly over for your next show but alas work and visiting children won’t allow…
We might be booking a bit of time off at end of August though, so of you have a show going on maybe we can jet to Vancouver after we stop off in Maine…keep flying west to get back here…
Hope you guys had a good weekend, thanks for shipping off the shirts…
Later Taters
Let’s put the pressure on Ian to get another PodMash! together for August then!
“Their jaws open with amazement and admiration”, I think you left out.
New York Seltzer! Wow, I’d forgotten that stuff even existed, but as soon as I saw the picture on Facebook I had a flood of nostalgia. I was born in 1980, so it’s right in that sweet spot of childhood memories that dissolved before I really knew what was going on around me, but I definitely remember the logo and the weird labels being fun to peel off the bottles.
Now, as for the superstitions: I have a theory on “step on a crack, break your mother’s back”. I always pictured a much bigger crack than the thin ones between slabs on your average sidewalk. I imagine a young child holding his or her mother’s hand. When the kid steps in a big crack [think giant, gaping hole in the Earth], s/he pulls Mom down, breaking (or at least badly straining) her back. Well, it’s a theory… :o)
I tried to be superstitious once, and being my weird/creative self, I had to invent my own. I ironed my left sock before bowling class (my high school was awesome) a few classes in a row, but 1) it was a pain in the ass, and 2) it didn’t have any noticeable effect on my bowling (hard to believe, I know). So that was the end of that.
Good luck on the job hunt, Dave! I wish I could offer some advice, but I’m stuck in my own dead end, boring-as-crap job at the moment, so I probably shouldn’t talk until I can get myself sorted. All I know is that every time I’ve been forced out of a job, the next job has ended up being better, at least for a while. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise.
LOL! Kitty….I love your inventive sock ironing!
Guys what happened to Looking in the mirror and saying ‘Bloody Mary’ three times…
Or is that an urban legend rather than superstition?
Yes, Jenn, that is an urban legend as opposed to a superstition, which would be the attempt to control one’s fate through “magical” means.
Sports superstitions among athletes are still very common, but tend to be individualistic like ironing socks rather than sharing a common heritage like throwing salt over your shoulder.
Hey guys,
My office/lab where I work is in the back of a horse barn, and while it is awesome that when I get flustered I can just go hug a horse to calm down and play with barn cats it is certainly not all that it is cracked up to be. In the summer the air is thick with flies and in the winter it is freaking cold, so very, very cold. Trust me, doing any sort of graphic design is hard when shivering screws up your drawings.
My mother (from a Hungarian background) always used to say that “if you sing at the table you will have crazy kids”, and judging from myself and my brothers it is 100% true.
Also as someone who quite enjoys nautical history this is the first I’ve heard of the acupuncture theory regarding sailors wearing earrings. I am aware of two theories regarding them: gold earrings would help ensure payment to inter the body if they died abroad and wanted to be buried on land, and also that they would hang wax from their hoop earrings for use as earplugs because, well, cannons are stupid loud on land never mind below decks on a ship when dozens of them could be firing.
Thanks for another great episode!
ps. I got suckered into seeing 50 shades. There is no consent. It was awful, just awful. Plan nine from outer space was a better movie. I felt that it didn’t have enough plot to be called a movie and not enough smut to call it a porno. If he wasn’t rich the whole movie wouldn’t have worked at all in my opinion. Though I am looking forward to reading a “50 shades inspired evening goes terribly wrong for Toronto couple” article on CBC in the next few weeks.
“If he wasn’t rich the whole [story] wouldn’t have worked at all…” The same could be said of Prince Charming in Cinderella, Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, Rochester in Jane Eyre, etc.
I think the Ghomeshi scandal has already given us enough 50 Shades-inspired articles to choke a horse. Not that anyone should choke a horse, even if it’s curious about that lifestyle. (I’m hoping Nathan’s horse-hugging is consensual.)
LOL, Louise.
Nathan, did someone blindfold you then take you to 50 Shades as a tribute to non-consensual sado-masochism?
I feel your pain, Dave. It can be pretty tough to find the perfect job. I’ve been floundering for years now, unsure of how to best take advantage of my mad skills. I’m sure you’ll find something great though, you’ve got the ability, you just gotta put yourself out there.
One thing I’d love to hear you guys talk about sometime, also, would be good places to start reading graphic novels / comics. As someone who is fairly new to it all, it’s insanely daunting to be trying to pick out things to try or read.
We’ll tackle this in Episode 169, Mike, with our 500 graphic novels you have to read!
Hi Guys,
First I would like to say that I really enjoyed the James Bond show. Ian you did a fantastic job on that. The highlight of the show was the song you sang (I was going to mention more about it, then remembered you were keeping things secret for another show). I still have it stuck in my head.
Secondly, you guys always talk about how you’d describe your show to someone who’s never listened to it. I think you could just clip the intro to this show: pop shoppe, pick a pop etc, and give them that. That intro is pretty much what your show is all about. I was amazed. You pretty much captured an entire Sneaky Dragon episode in 2 minutes… Maybe that was 4 minutes.
And it wasn’t even showtime yet. Sneaky Dragon is pretty much a snippet of Ian’s and my never-ending conversation.
Well we might as well reveal our new show Sneaky Dragon’s Popcast where we go over every soda that’s no longer in existence. Ep 1. Crystal Pepsi. Ep 2. Coca-Cola (with actual cocaine)…
Aw, I had really been holding out for DeckCast.
Unfortunately that show title has been taken by a podcast dedicated to Blade Runner’s Rick Deckard.
Obligatory Dave Sim Mention Response (technically, though, I think I’ve missed one or three): As I remember it, Dave wasn’t so much commenting that 20,000 readers were helping him stay motivated, rather he was somewhat taken with the idea that his mass of fans were all so desperately wishin’/hopin’/prayin’/thinkin’ for him to not die through issue 300 that the Universe was therefore channeling that collective will directly into his lifeforce, or some such similar mechanism. At the time, it was unclear to me if he was joking or kinda believed it.
You see, Ian, I knew Marcus would take the bait!
You owe me five bucks!
I’m compelled. I might have a problem.
Recognizing it is the first step; writing a three hundred issue comic about it is the next.
I can see how it would be scary then to see your readership shrink.