Sneaky Dragon Episode 118


Hello, all citizens of Sneakytown, we had a bit of a problem with the show this week: Dave forgot to select the correct input so instead of recording with the nice mikes we spent all that money on, we recorded the show on Dave’s laptop computer mike; so, not the best audio quality in the world this week. Or, as Ian said, we’re giving up sound quality for Lent this year.

Be that as it may, amidst that weird swirling noise and the digitized garble, you can hear Ian and Dave discuss: pornography in Canada – it better be hot ’cause it’s so damned cold; having that special talk with your child: how to tell jokes; the recent movie Frozen and the story behind the story…behind the story. Also, Dave admits – on air – that he saw Sex in the City II; Ian and Dave both admit the saw Porky’s – Canada’s second highest-grossing movie; they discuss True Detective with no spoilers and boih try to get the other to watch shows they like; and they debate what’s worse: a bad sequel or a bad prequel and ask; dowe really need to know Maleficent’s back story?

Thanks to listener Stuart MacMillan for the link to the BBC documentary about Frank Quitely. David enjoyed it very much. Ian will watch it soon.

And thanks to everyone for listening! (Sorry about the sound this week…)

3 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 118”

  1. Odd thing is this is what Dave actually sounds like in the studio before audio tech magic fixes it up.

    Sorry about this, if you send us plane tickets Dave and I will come to your city and do the lost show live for you.

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