5 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Title Cards”

  1. Greetings From Doha, Qatar!
    Well my weekly douchemeisters, episode 151 (a.k.a. Episode 149 if your sticking to your promise of counting backwards….) was fanfreakin’ fab!!!!
    Hubby and I lie in bed munching popcorn, and laugh our arses off!
    Riddle me this….is the dragon a boy or girl? Seriously he/she has no physical trait that would indicate the gender. Important as I intend to debate this with Ian (hubby)…and will more than likely place a wager on it…
    Hope you’re both well and Millis has recovered from the shock of her auto accident..
    Warmest Regards (90′ F here today)
    Jenny B.
    Your most faithful and admiring fan
    Post Script…Holy Humorous Podcast’s Batman!!!

    1. Thank you, Jenn. First things first: you should not be eating in bed. (Although if you’re simultaneously exercising your arses I guess that’s okay.

      Second things second: Good question! (Why didn’t you send it to us for the question show?) I tend to think of Sneaky D as a guy because I’m a guy, but if you think she’s a girl I’m not going to argue.

      Third things third: thanks for enjoying the show all the way from Qatar! That seems crazy that you even know about us! Myllis is fine now – just inconvenienced by not having a vehicle and on tenterhooks as she awaits the insurance company verdict for blame.

      I don’t speak Fahrenheit, but I’m going to assume that since you’re in Qatar it’s hot!

      Thanks for your kind words!

  2. Hey Dave just posted a comment about Charles nelson Riley
    Was completely holy cowing at the argument last week…hubby had already fallen asleep and I was lying there thinking ‘shut up Ian you tosser!’ lol don’t tell him I said so…
    Any way you slice copying music etc. is flippin’ theft…
    I don’t do it….shame on him!

    Designing sneaky Dragon mittens for you and your family for next year…sort of payback for the time you put in to the show…
    I knit loads….knitting for ‘hand in hand for Syria’ charity at the moment…if you or anyone you know knits maybe you could mention it? It’s a uk based charity….but good cause.
    Anyway glad to read Myllis is okay…flippin’ scary..poor little thing!
    Right 1 am need sleep

    All the best
    Jenn (and a snoring Ian)

  3. Dear Dear Ian –
    Maybe in a previous life we were married – which would explain your using your second life now! hahaha

    David –
    Totally wiggin’ now! I had posted on the show site before the end of the podcast so it was a total coincidence that I laid out my knitting ‘craft’ comment…
    Anyway trying to work out the design today – thinking of knitting Boothby a noose…what do you think? LOL! JOKING!
    He’ll get his own design…

    BTW a joke – What did the knitting pirate say to his crew?
    (pirate voice) Yaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrnnnnn shiver me timbers!
    Timbers = Needles! Get it!?!?! Bad bad me…

    Right gotta jet – have a shawl to finish…
    Later taters

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