Sneaky Dragon Episode 75


Just Ian and David at Sneaky Dragon headquarters this week, but they have lots to talk about as Ian heads off to Ottawa for the Ottawa Comiccon (sic). First David celebrates the fact that it’s Episode 75, which is interesting because it is divisible by five; he is also pretty mad at a radio commercial – he and Ian perform a forensic analysis to no good end; Ian reveals the greatest Jack Benny impersonation every done on any podcast; also, who is Jack Benny? (I just wrote that to sound younger than I am); Ian is shocked (and possibly gratified) by what cvan be shown on television these days and wonders what’s next; this leads them to a discussion of Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon, which leads to David’s favourite conversational hobby horse: authors who fall in live with their characters; he spends some time ranting about that; David also reveals that he is a social moron, but Ian thinks it’s probably a good thing.

If you live in Ottawa, and listen to the show, you might want to drop by the Ottawa Comiccon and say hi to Ian.

Thanks for listening!

4 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 75”

  1. If you do come by Ottawa Comicon I’m the guy in the Sneaky Dragon shirt talking about Sneaky Dragon to people until they let me know that they don’t care.

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