Sneaky Dragon Episode 394

Hola, Sneakers. Welcome to Episode 394 of Sneaky Dragon – the podcast that aims to displease!

This week: measurements; lowest price law; dumb joke; comics nerd paradise; scary place visiting advice; podcast meta podcast; semi-annual The Great Eastern recommendation; we really like Kids in the Hall and Paul Myer’s new book about them, One Dumb Guy; the wackiness of the CBC; Soles man; Sesame Street on vacation; Grouch recycling policy; melancholy frog; more Muppets; Mandy; weight loss drama; asshole brain; panty lines; which Avenger would you be; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; existential fantasy dread; and, finally, unwittingly drunk.

Thanks for listening.

Question of the Week: Tell us something that has worked for you to get you to a happy place with your health.
Sub-question: Which Avenger would you be?

Believe Dave when he says The Great Eastern is great! You can give it a listen here. Give it a chance. The humour may be a little weird (a little Newfoundland-ish) at first – a little too “foreground”, as the CBC said – but your patience will pay off!

5 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 394”

  1. Frank Van Keeken’s book was called “The Collected Stories of August Castille.” They were ultra-short stories from his stage act that he told in the voice of a vaguely-European guy.

    Ian, my mom also has a heart that skips occasionally and sometimes it races like crazy which can trigger panic attacks but so far it’s never been a heart attack. Often it’s caused by a digestive problem such as bloating. We help her get through the episodes by talking calmly, getting her to breathe slowly, and offering to get her emergency help. Over the years, we’ve taken her to the ER a couple of times and called an ambulance once but she’s been okay. But it’s reassuring for her to know we’ll get her to the hospital if necessary.

    White cream sauce for the shrimp fettuccini. Scarlet Witch for the Avenger I’d be.

    1. Thanks for letting me know and glad your Mom is doing well. Having some luck with upping my potassium. I’m on a diuretic and I started drinking more Hibiscus tea and I think that combo knocked my potassium way down. Fingers crossed this is what’s it’s about.

  2. Edward Draganski

    Being diagnosed as a diabetic a few years back has helped the weight come off. I’ve cut out almost all sugars and as many carbs as I can which leaves me feeling much better than I did a few years ago. My system is at such a point that if I do have too much sugar, I end up feeling rather lousy, like two hamsters fighting in my chest. It’s a work in progress and it didn’t happen overnight, so there was never any severe shock to my system. All is well though and with a little exercise and proper diet I’m able to keep my A1C levels below a 7.4 where they belong.

    Ian, if you’re that kid in the candy store when it comes to the current barrage of superhero films, I’m the next kid in line. I can remember dreaming of films like this as a kid and even going as far as drawing what I thought their movie posters might look like. The photo realistic arrival of Alex Ross’s art in the 90’s helped feed the inquiry of what these guys might look like but it was still illustrative. I’m still enjoying the genre and looking forward to the casting choices that may soon come. How about Gerard Butler as Kraven the Hunter? Recycle Fassbender as Dr. Doom? (I do think Doom should be European, or at least sound like one.) Keanu Reeves is my pick as Black Bolt with Jason Momoa as Gorgon for a proper Inhumans film.

    I 100% agree with you both that it’s the interaction between the characters in the Marvel films that give these films their charm and not all the mind-blowing eye-candy CGI that is used. The casting choices as well as the character development is Marvel’s secret ingredient, I mean can you seriously imagine anyone else as Tony Stark besides Robert Downey Jr.? Everyone seems so perfectly tailored to their role…and when they meet and overlap one another, that’s the best thing ever.

    If I were an Avenger, I’d be Doctor Strange without a doubt….So do I get to date Rachel McAdams then???

  3. Edward Draganski

    Thank you for reminding me of Penn & Teller’s cinematic ritual of exclaiming “Yessss!” every time the film’s title is mentioned within the context of the film. The best example that comes to mind is in the 1996 Star Trek film “First Contact.” When the Enterprise crew travels back in time to Earth’s past they meet Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell), the inventor of the warp engine. Realizing he’s nothing like history has portrayed him, Cochrane is pretty much an eclectic drunken inventor. Thinking he can handle the truth, the crew decides to tell Cochrane about who they are and where they’re from to which he says, “So are you guys on some sort of Star Trek or somethin’?”


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